
03 December 2017

The meadow, wild garden and woods 2017.

 Looking across the small pond and meadow to the beehives, July 5th.

The honeybees (treatment-free / natural bee-keeping) continue to thrive. Here they are swarming on May 7th. They are in clear view from the kitchen window so even if I am indoors it's easy to see when they swarm.

Looking a little closer at the meadow, July 5th.

 Native orchid in the meadow June 16th.

 Ragged Robin in a damp part of the meadow June 16th.

Eucryphia, August 5th. If I named plants I would call this "The heaven for bees tree"!

This summer I realised that a branch on the weeping willow, planted about 17 years ago, had grown enough to hold a swing! August 5th.

Down near the big pond.

The meadow, August 5th.

Alfie collecting branches from summer pruning, August 13th.

Angus and Alfie raking...

...the hay from the meadow.


 September 13th.

Non-native Sika deer. Trouble for trees. Endearing. Brazen...   September 21st.

The view from the house... Sometimes.

Taxodium distichum November 8th.

September 29th. The fairy door we put by the tree, the toadstools grew!