
30 December 2017

Sheep and the lamb Dale.

This is Dale, he was the smallest of triplets and needed hand-rearing. He followed Zoe everywhere ...

Dale was at home in the house for a number of weeks this spring.

Where he found things to play with and chew when he wasn't making lamb play with the humans of the house.

May 9th. When he wasn't indoors he had free rein of the garden...    

...where he was not as innocent as he looked!

May 25th. One of Dales favourite plants was Sanguisorba tanna.
Many plants in the garden had the Chelsea chop courtesy of Dale.

He also liked ox-eye daisies. May 22nd.

As Dale grew he spent more time outdoors, he found himself a bed beside the bench at the front door...

...Where he made himself comfortable, when he wasn't eating the plants in the garden!

June 20th. A relieved Daub has his bed back and looks as if he is ready to catch something!

Dale eventually outgrew the garden and joined Zoe's flock of sheep.

A few of the other sheep in the field with Clover, one of the Kerry cows.