Helenium with self-seeded Phacelia.
June Sunset.
Papaver somniferum.
The Thyme bath.
Allium Sphaerocephalon, heleniums...
Ensete with fushia arborescens.
Ensete with Pears.

Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii' with marjoram!
Ensete with fushia arborescens.
Ensete with Pears.
Hemerocallis (daylilies), Roses and Stachys (lambs ear).
Sidalcea malviflora.
I must be far enough from the grass that it appears so green! It is actually full of clover and many
native wild plants, including dandelions and buttercups!
This bed is pretty enough in the flesh but in photos it shows how it could benefit from some love. It is several years since it has more than a cursory weeding and the odd plant added.
Romneya coulteri, Californian tree poppy.
Allium Sphaerocephalon and Veronicastrum.
More Veronicastrum!
Galega officinalis, goat's-rue in the centre.
Eutrochium, Joe-Pye weed.
(Until recently known as Eupatorium).