
02 November 2013

The meadow.

Since 1998 the area to the south of the house has been a meadow which is cut once a year.  We finally got around to cutting it this week. The garden is transformed when the meadow is cut. For years all the fun has been in making big piles of hay for Zoe and Tivon to jump off but this year Tivon and Alfie found their fun in raking and cart pulling.

 The meadow today.

Oh yes, this was also today, in the lashing rain!

While Angus was cutting the meadow Tivon decided to get the push mower out to cut our little grass area near the house.

Tivon raking the meadow after it is cut.

Alfie pulling the cart, I use the meadow cuttings as mulch.

More little helpers!
I guess this looks as if the children are great workers and I just take photos! 
The pictures don't reflect the reality then!

As this is my first year with a blog, here are a few photos of  what has been growing in the meadow through previous seasons.
Crocus in February.

Primroses in April.

Snake's head fritillary in the meadow in April.

White Snake's head fritillary in the meadow in April.

Wild native orchid appeared in the meadow all by itself one year!

Wild Orchid.

The purple flower is Knapweed.

Knapweed with Meadowsweet in the background in July.

The white flower is Meadowsweet.

Spiders eye view of the meadow on a September morning.
About time the meadow was cut!