
09 November 2013

Poached egg plant and other flowers.

The Tibet potatoes have been lifted at last. It is a good crop of excellent potatoes but it is too late to plant a green manure cover crop in the beds that are now empty and bare. So, I have been transplanting some of the many poached egg plants that have self seeded everywhere. It is a little more work than throwing down seeds but I am full of anticipation for next spring when they will flower.

One of the potato beds just filled with little poached egg plant transplants.

This was taken in June, The bees just loved the poached egg plant.


Some of the flowers in bloom when I went out with the camera yesterday afternoon.......




Arbutus Unedo

Straw flower
Climbing rose.

Broccoli flowers
Winter Jasmine.

Borage and crimson clover
(The frost will hit these soon)
Viburnum Bodatmese Dawn.