Magnolias are not usually noted for providing forage for bees but this small tree was buzzing for a few warm days in March...
Magnolia × loebneri 'Leonard Messel'.
Honeybee with yellow pollen basket, March 26th.
Honeybees and bumble bees were collecting pollen from this Magnolia.
Magnolia × loebneri 'Leonard Messel' .
Snowdrop, Galanthus plicatus 'Wendy's Gold'.
Snowdrops are surprisingly hard to photograph, and I really enjoy gardening more than photography, so I didn't make the time to wait for foraging bees when taking these photos, but the bees do love snowdrops!

Galanthus plicatus 'Wendy's Gold'.
Snowdrops are surprisingly hard to photograph, and I really enjoy gardening more than photography, so I didn't make the time to wait for foraging bees when taking these photos, but the bees do love snowdrops!

Galanthus plicatus 'Wendy's Gold'.
Galanthus nivalis, the common snowdrop.

Galanthus Trumps.
I think snowdrops are like umbrellas and keep the pollen nice and dry on showery days, while crocus are like cups that open up to the sunshine but can get caught out with showers of rain!
Galanthus Trumps.
I think snowdrops are like umbrellas and keep the pollen nice and dry on showery days, while crocus are like cups that open up to the sunshine but can get caught out with showers of rain!
and later the same day, in the sun!
February 5th.