A few snapshots in the kitchen this year...
The last of the beef fat from the freezer for rendering into dripping, October 23rd.
The fat of the land, beef dripping. There's a pot of honey in the photo too, the kitchen was really a mess for a while!
The Tomatoes were neglected in September with many splitting due to lack of water and not being picked regularly! However these Black plum Tomatoes continued to crop brilliantly. The seed came from Irish seed savers many years ago and I grow a couple of plants every year. This year they proved their worth, simply thriving with very little attention, they have good flavour, ideal for passata. We made a last pot of Passata on October 1st with Alfie chopping and arranging the tomatoes in his own particular style!
Berries (from the garden) in everything! Buns to go in the oven on August 18th.

In the midst of shelling peas, several bags for the freezer. July 30th.
Busy little hands love to shell peas, July 10th, and little mouths love to eat peas! ("gobble them up" is the phrase that comes to mind).
In the midst of shelling peas, several bags for the freezer. July 30th.
Busy little hands love to shell peas, July 10th, and little mouths love to eat peas! ("gobble them up" is the phrase that comes to mind).
Angus makes bread a few times a week and sometimes he has help... Alfie sieving the flour, May 17th.

May 16th.

We had a few months of homemade butter this spring and some for the freezer, in the summer I made ice cream with the extra cream instead. April 23rd.

Little hands busy pulling stalks from parsley leaves.
May 16th.
We had a few months of homemade butter this spring and some for the freezer, in the summer I made ice cream with the extra cream instead. April 23rd.
in the making, A favourite spring dish using 100% homegrown produce....
purple sprouting broccoli, asparagus, eggs (and a little milk/cream) and the first of this years
cheese, all ready to go onto the leeks that were sweating in the pan.
April 7th.
Yogurt, January 29th, extra creamy on top as this was not long after Amber came into milk.
Often when I am in the kitchen doing something Alfie will want to help, and I will wash dishes (or take photos!) while he becomes absorbed in the task at hand. Zoe and Tivon are happy when I am out in the garden, then they are free to express themselves in the kitchen without my helpful comments, which they don't find helpful! So no photos of their kitchen adventures.