The May vegetable garden is dominated by Limnanthes douglasii. Poached Egg Plant. May 30th
All day the abundant bees buzz contentedly and fill the air with their song.
And if it looks as if there is nothing else growing....
The leeks are planted,
and there are 3 beds of peas planted, one is on the right here.
Elephant garlic is growing on the left, beside one of the potatoe beds.
These are 2 of the 5 beds of sweetcorn planted, They don't look like much, it's a lot more fun to take photos of poached egg plant, but this IS supposed to be a post about the vegetables!
There are forget-me-nots too, also bee-adored!
Angelica in the Vegetable garden May 30th.
May 22nd.

Alfie collecting wood ash from the range used over winter. Tomatoes and raspberries, amongst other things, love a little potash. Our soil is slightly acid so a light sprinkling lightly raked into freshly prepared soil helps keep the vegetable garden alkaline. I also use it as slug deterrent for newly planted seedlings, it doesn't work after it is rained on though so I try to plant out during dry spells.