
31 December 2014

December garden.

The cold weather arrived near the end of the month with a couple of days of beautiful hoar frost over everything in the mornings. These are the beds of poached eggplant and leeks.
We finally picked the kiwis on December 28th! 
Just before the really cold weather.

Many trees are receiving a light pruning this winter and we are cutting back a lot of willow.  Self-sown willow, often viewed as a weed, is a wonderful plant for wildlife. When it becomes too abundant it makes great material for mulching. We usually lop the branches to fit in the shredder but sometimes Alfie likes to saw them. This day there are holly branches in the mix and Alfie went to get the chainsaw hat to protect his ears from the sound of (the little hand) saw! Angus uses the chain saw (and hat) for the initial cutting down and we take it all away to shred. I have been using most of the mulch material for the paths in the veg. patch.

Here is a path on the right that has been mulched.