The leeks are growing well.
Overwintering groundcover of poached egg plant has grown fast with the wet warm August weather. Purple sprouting broccoli is underplanted with crimson clover.
Calendula and borage with runner beans behind.
Tivon's sweetcorn.
The blocks of sweetcorn are all grown from
seed saved last year, which was grown from seed saved from the year before.
Last years cobs / this years seed that grew the plants above. |
does cross pollinate very easily but I have found home saved seed is usually good for a
few years for our own use.
A humming bird hawk moth was foraging on the runner beans on July 29th, by the time I got the camera I only got one shot before it flew off. It is in the centre of the photo, blending in with the leek flower behind.
It is a very good year for fruit and all the pears are cropping well, this one is conference.
Spartan apple, one of many apple trees planted.
This rose is growing up the Spartan apple tree.
Crisp and juicy "Discovery", the first apple of the season.
Assorted apples. Almost all our fruit trees were
bought as bare root one year old trees. Every winter I plant a few
(several!) fruit and nut trees, It spreads the cost and the joy of
planting. Once planted many can be propagated.
Victoria plums. Plums must be one of the most delicious and easiest fruits to grow here.
photo is taken from a distance with our basic camera but one can just
make out several thrushes feasting on the rowan berries. A flock of more
than 50 flew in and after eating their fill, flew off, amazingly they
did not eat every one, the next day the Rowan still appeared to be covered in
Rowan berries.