Veg, patch July 26th.
From front to back, Tibet potatoes in flower, leeks, turnips and Rhubarb.

Borage, Runner beans, with the leek flowers growing through them and the sweetcorn can just be seen at the back left.

Giant garlic drying in the sun.
View across the veg. patch. The bees are loving the Marjoram in the foreground.
The sweetcorn is at varying stages, some are still small...

...and some have their tassels.
The rabbits are still at large, but rapid growth is keeping up with their appetites at the moment. Turkeys are another matter. They have been ignoring fences and gates, turning their backs on all the garden they are given to free range in, and raiding the veg. patch.
This morning I found my recently sown carrot bed turned into a giant dust bath, the last straw! They will have their wings clipped tonight and we will see if they have more respect for the veg. patch fence!
E.T.A. Clipping the wing feathers doesn't hurt them (it is like cutting nails), but will reduce their flying prowess.
Borage, Runner beans, with the leek flowers growing through them and the sweetcorn can just be seen at the back left.
Leek flowers supported by and supporting runner beans.
View across the veg. patch. The bees are loving the Marjoram in the foreground.
Courgettes are doing what courgettes do... being prolific.
...and some have their tassels.
The rabbits are still at large, but rapid growth is keeping up with their appetites at the moment. Turkeys are another matter. They have been ignoring fences and gates, turning their backs on all the garden they are given to free range in, and raiding the veg. patch.
This morning I found my recently sown carrot bed turned into a giant dust bath, the last straw! They will have their wings clipped tonight and we will see if they have more respect for the veg. patch fence!
E.T.A. Clipping the wing feathers doesn't hurt them (it is like cutting nails), but will reduce their flying prowess.