It is 14 C today and the bees are out and about. There is an Abutilon growing right outside the kitchen window and often as I dry dishes I have seen wasps and bumble bees on the flowers. Yesterday I was sure it was a honey bee I saw so I ran straight out with the camera.
But when I went out it appeared to be gone. I thought I would look inside one of the pendulous flowers to see how it is composed and in the very first flower I looked at, there was a little honey bee hiding.
She stayed in there for a while before buzzing quickly to another flower.

It was hard to focus as there was a bit of a breeze.
It was hard to focus as there was a bit of a breeze.
The bush is about 15 feet away from the hives, growing up against the south wall of the house.
Edited to add.... I have continued to see honey bees on the Abutilon at certain times.
Edited to add.... I have continued to see honey bees on the Abutilon at certain times.